How to perform a stunning head massage

Many salon treatments can incorporate relaxing head massage, so learning this technique is a good idea.
Before starting, place a hot towel on the customer's head to initiate the relaxation process. This will prepare them for your upcoming exciting massage and make the massage look even more luxurious. You can even drop a little sesame oil on the towel to enhance the effectiveness of aromatherapy.
take your time

Starting from the back of the head, massage vigorously and in circular motions up to the hairline, not forgetting the top of the head. The silicone scalp massager movements should be slow and transition easily to the next area - rapid movements will take your clients out of the relaxed state you are trying to get them into!
Next, starting from the base of the skull, use the fingertips and thumbs of both hands to draw powerful circles and massage towards the back of the ears.
Understand your strength
This may sound obvious, but the amount of pressure you apply has a significant impact on customer satisfaction, especially during head massages. Be sure to communicate with them to ensure that your pressure is not too strong (which may cause severe headaches), but enough for them to enjoy the massage.
Don't ignore the neck
The back of the neck strives to support the head, so don't forget to give it some attention. Starting from the ears, use gentle Swedish pressure, then press down on the neck and shoulders. You can also turn the customer's head to one side and use your fingertips to make long and powerful presses, or use your thumb to knead in small circles.
Relieve headaches
If your client has a severe headache, please focus on massaging the points between the forehead, eyebrows, and temples. Press these areas with your index finger and do small circular movements for about one minute each time to help relieve pain.

Try the massage chair
If you include head massage as part of full body treatment, it is reasonable to have the client lie on a massage bed. However, if you have many clients who only accept head massages, investing in a massage chair may be worth it. This way, you can massage your neck and shoulders more easily, which is crucial for truly relaxing massages.